
Deep sea mermaids

Created by Abysmal Kaiju

A collection of mermaids and merpeople based on deep sea or strange sea creatures, along with those same creatures as companions!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Last unlock of the project! Coelacanth, and an added shaker design
20 days ago – Tue, Feb 11, 2025 at 04:51:58 PM

First: let’s get the new stuff up here

I hope you guys all like how it turned out! I’m really pleased with it.
In addition I was given a genius idea, what if the big eye squids eyes were shakable. So that’s our new shaker!

I’m so happy with how everything has gone and I’m so thankful to each of you for being a part of this project! I can’t express enough how excited I am about getting these little guys made. Let’s have a great last day! 🖤

It’s Mr Whale unlocked
27 days ago – Tue, Feb 04, 2025 at 12:55:27 PM

We have unlocked the sperm whale! Thank you guys so much for voting, I’m really excited to have the big guy in the project. I’m gonna go back to the drawing board and see if we can get some sketches going for other designs, we’ll see if we need another vote before the project is over. 

New poll! Let’s see what’s next
28 days ago – Mon, Feb 03, 2025 at 04:13:04 PM

Time for the second vote!  We have until tommorrow to see who is going to be added next.

Here she is!! Winner winner pancake dinner!
29 days ago – Sun, Feb 02, 2025 at 03:42:33 PM

Flapjack octopus has won the vote! I’m excited to say that she is already unlocked, and I’m working to see if I can maybe squeeze in one more design for the next vote. Also keep an eye out for the next vote tommorrow! Thank you guys for participating, it got close by the end. It’s really nice to see that they were all getting some love 🖤🖤🖤

Voting timeeee
about 1 month ago – Fri, Jan 31, 2025 at 07:34:32 AM

I’ve been slaving over a hot drawing tablet to try and make some new designs and I think I’ve got 3 worth sharing (You don’t wanna see some of the others…. Crabs are … so difficult to not make into terrors….)

Two of these are based off of suggestions you guys gave me, the sperm whale is a match to the giant squid (Did you know they get into fights in the deep ocean?) and the older coelacanth was just such a fun idea. And for Ms Flapjack, I had request to make matches to the available pins and she’s the only one that didn’t fight me on it. These are all subject to some change as they are in their sketch stage right now, but I didn’t want you to have to wait any longer!

And now, here’s where you all come in! Help me by voting on the unlock order for these designs, and let’s see who gets added to the project. If things go well, it could be even more, but I know I’d like to add 2 more sets for sure. I’ll be posting the first vote now, and the second in 2 days. And who knows, by then maybe I’ll have another option to add.

Don’t get too disappointed if your favorite doesn't make it in, because there might just be a chance at a follow up to this project in the future as well🖤

Also I’m just. Adding this giant wolf eel. I love him, and I love his big ol chompers. That doesn't affect voting at all I just wanted to be clear he will be available as well!